Resolutions are notoriously hard to keep, but small changes to your habits can make a big difference to your health.
Find your feel goodResolutions are notoriously hard to keep, but small changes to your habits can make a big difference to your health and wellbeing.
Find a new hobby to try - or revisit an old one. Learning something new is a great way to find…
Barry is a Recovery Practitioner at Change Grow Live, Barnet's substance misuse support service. He offers tips and advice, and especially emphasises the importance of rewarding yourself along the way.
The lower your weekly consumption of alcohol, the lower your lifetime risk of an alcohol related illness. This video is a guide on how to safely cut down your alcohol consumption.
Chris quit after 42 years of smoking. Hear what helped motivate him to quit, and how he has stayed smoke free.
Now eighteen months without alcohol, Natasha is 'the happiest I have ever been'.
Support to stop smoking tobacco or using shisha, for people who live, work or study in Barnet. Complete the contact form to receive advice and support from trained stop smoking advisors.
If you'd like to take another look at your alcohol intake, why not start with a free online test from Drinkcoach?
CGL is a national health and social care charity. They can help you with challenges including drugs and alcohol, housing, justice, health and wellbeing.
Reset your body and mind, and help to improve sleep, energy levels, and overall well-being by stepping back from alcohol.
You’re 3 times more likely to quit for good if you combine expert support with quit smoking aids like nicotine replacement therapy or a vape.
During the winter season, many people experience feelings of loneliness. Let’s stay connected. Talk about it and get help and support for your mental health and wellbeing.
How much do you think you can lower your drinking by this month? Download the free DrinkCoach app to have your goals in your pocket for that extra motivational boost.
An app with free tools to support you to quit smoking.
Double your chances of having a totally alcohol-free month with the free Try Dry® app for a total body and mind reset. From better sleep and a mental health boost, to saving money and time - there's a whole lot to gain from the Dry January® challenge.