Apps & tools

DrinkCoach logo - speech bubble with cursive lettering: Drink Coach

DrinkCoach Alcohol Test

If you'd like to take another look at your alcohol intake, why not start with a free online  test from Drinkcoach?

White cursive writing 'Drink Coach' in a blue speech bubble on a light blue background.

DrinkCoach app

How much do you think you can lower your drinking by this month? Download the free DrinkCoach app to have your goals in your pocket for that extra motivational boost.

Drink free days written with image of calendar and a glass on blue background

Drink Free Days app

Drink Free Days is for people who like a drink but want some support in tracking and cutting down on the booze.

person sitting on floor, tying running shoes

Get running with Couch to 5K

NHS Couch to 5K will help you gradually work up towards running 5km in just 9 weeks.

Blue background with tape measure and the words weight loss

NHS Weight Loss Plan

NHS 12-week Weight Loss Plan to guide you through a healthy weight-loss programme.

Fresh fruit and vegetables

Eat Well Apps

Eating a healthy, balanced diet is important to maintain good health, and a healthy weight. Check out these apps to help you to choose healthier foods!

smiling woman with head wrap

How healthy is your heart?

Take the NHS Heart Age Test and answer some simple questions to find out your heart age compared to your real age!

Quit smoking forever written on green image with mobile phone

Smoke Free app

An app with free tools to support you to quit smoking.

men sitting together facing away from camera, one man with hand on shoulder of other man

Stay Alive app

This suicide prevention app helps you or friends and family to stay safe. Features include resources designed to help anyone in crisis, a safety plan for a crisis and a life box where you can store images and videos that are important to you.

Sleepio in white writing on black background

Sleepio app

Sleepio is an online self-help programme based on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). You will learn cognitive techniques to help tackle the racing mind and behavioural strategies to help reset sleeping patterns naturally, without relying on sleeping pills.

Blue background with black line drawing of a cigarette snapped in half and the words quit smoking written underneath

NHS Quit Smoking app

Created for those who want to stop smoking for good, the NHS Quit Smoking app is a 28 day programme that puts practical support, encouragement, and tailored clinical advice in the palm of your hand.