We are encouraging frontline staff and volunteers to find time in their conversations with Barnet residents to help them think about and resolve things that could affect their health and wellbeing. These may include job worries, concerns about housing and health-related issues.
Frontline staff include housing officers, employment advisors, social care and healthcare staff and volunteers from many of Barnet's voluntary and community sector organisations.
Making Every Contact Count (MECC) is an approach to support frontline staff and volunteers to have positive conversations about health and wellbeing with people they meet every day.
Ask, Assess, Advise &…
Empowering conversations for better health and wellbeing.
To support staff, volunteers and residents, Barnet Public Health and wider Council teams have created a series of MECC factsheets to help share key messages and signposting information.
The national MECC eLearning programme is freely available to support people develop an understanding of public health and the factors that impact on a person’s health and wellbeing.
Barnet Public Health have commissioned the delivery of MECC bespoke training for teams, services & partners. Please send an email to the Live & Age Well team if you are interested in this training.