Do you know how to make every contact count?

Making Every Contact Count (MECC) is an approach to support frontline staff and volunteers to have positive conversations about health and wellbeing with people they meet every day.
Ask, Assess, Advise & Assist (The 4 A’s)
To support people in making healthy behaviours, there is an easy structure to remember – Ask, Assess, Advise and Assist.
Ask - Use the opportunity to start a conversation or respond to a situation (e.g., difficulty using stairs) during your day-to-day contact with an individual.
Assess - Decide if now is the right time to continue the conversation, if not try to leave the door open for another time.
Advise - Share information about the benefits of healthy behaviour change and tips to achieve this.
Assist – Signpost people to relevant local or national services, information, and support.
National eLearning programme
The MECC national eLearning programme is an interactive learning resource that supports people develop the knowledge & understanding to make every contact count by asking others about their health and wellbeing.
The programme is freely available for everyone to access!
MECC factsheets
Barnet Public Health, wider Council teams, and volunteers have worked together to create a series of MECC factsheets to help share key messages and signposting information. There are four groups of factsheets with topics that cover health protection, health behaviours, mental health and dementia, and the wider determinants of health.
Explore the MECC factsheets today – a valuable resource for promoting health and wellbeing. Share the range of information that is available and let’s work together to create a borough of health for all!