Recognising the signs of anxiety, low mood and poor sleep

Having good mental health can help us feel better, sleep better and support us in doing the things we want to do. It can also help us have more positive relationships with those around us.
Feelings of anxiety, low mood and poor sleep can all be symptoms of mental ill health. Look out for the signs below, and visit our pages for tips, tools, resources and services available in Barnet to support your mental health and wellbeing.
Signs of anxiety
You may:
- feel a sense of dread
- feel tired, restless, on edge or irritable
- have difficulty concentrating or making decisions
- feel dizzy, sick or short of breath
- have difficulty falling or staying asleep
- experience a noticeably strong, fast or irregular heartbeat
- experience headaches, muscle aches or tension
- have a stomach ache
- have pins and needles
- have a dry mouth
- sweat excessively
- tremble or shake
- avoid situations and activities that you're worried about
- put off activities that make you feel anxious
- repeatedly checking things or seeking reassurance from others
Signs of Low Mood
You may feel:
- sad
- worried, anxious or panicked
- tired
- a lack of self-confidence
- frustrated or irritated
- angry
- not interested in things
- not doing things you enjoy or need to do
Signs of poor sleep
You may:
- find it difficult to fall asleep
- lie awake for long periods at night
- wake up several times during the night
- wake up early and be unable to get back to sleep
- feel down or have a lower mood
- have difficulty concentrating
- be more irritable than usual
Published on:
Thu, 27 July 2023