Cancer awareness, screening and prevention

Cancer awareness, screening and prevention

The cancer prevention, awareness and screening improvement strategies and work programmes are steered by the North Central London Cancer Alliance. Together we work to increase participation in the three national screening programmes; Breast Cancer Screening, Bowel Cancer Screening and Cervical Cancer Screening. 

There are several projects in Barnet focused on raising public awareness of cancer screening, the signs and symptoms of cancer and the importance of seeking help early, with a specific focus on reducing health inequalities. 

Woman wearing head covering smiling to camera
Picture of two individuals holding hands

Your cancer pathway support guide

Your cancer pathway support guide was conceived and developed by the North Central London Cancer Alliance. It was co-designed with patients, carers and healthcare professionals, with support from Healthwatch Barnet and advocacy from Macmillan Cancer Support.

Picture of a male & female

CommUNITY Barnet Cancer Awareness

Read more information about campaigns launched by CommUNITY Barnet.

Picture of a healthcare professional holding a service users hand.

Cancer screening resources for people experiencing homelessness

Find information about cancer screening programmes, and resources to help improve cancer screening and support for people experiencing homelessness.

Picture of a male & female looking at each other

Cancer screening resources for people with a learning disability

Access resources & short films about cancer screening for People With Learning Disabilities that have been produced by Barnet Mencap.

It's time to look after yourself

Breast Screening

Find further information on breast screening,

Picture of a group of females

London Breast Screening

Access information on where screening takes place across the London Borough of Barnet.

Image of a Black male

Bowel Cancer Screening

Find further information about NHS Bowl cancer screening checks for everyone aged 60-74 years old.

Picture of two women talking

Bowel Screening patient leaflets

Find information on screening written in other languages after you received your screening invitation letter.

Green writing on white background - how's your lung health? Check. NHS and Targeted Lung Health Programme logos.

Lung health check

Are you aged 55-74 and either an ex-smoker or current smoker? If so, you are invited for a free lung health check to see how well your lungs are working. It is free, quick and painless - and catching lung cancer early, before symptoms start, can make it easier to treat.

Image of a Black women

Cervical Screening

Find further information on cervical screening and view a video of someone having a cervical screening.