Adult weight management

Maintaining a healthy weight

Maintaining a healthy weight is important for your overall health. Becoming overweight or obese increases your risk of developing conditions such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes and some cancers. If you're overweight, losing weight has many health benefits. Making small simple changes to what and how much you are eating and drinking and your level of activity can really help you lose weight. There's lots of help and advice in Barnet to help you maintain a healthy weight. 

smiling man
women doing seated chair exercises

Movement classes for older people 

Age UK Barnet run fun and affordable fitness and exercise activities throughout Barnet. These include indoor and outdoor classes for all levels and abilities, aimed at people aged 55 and above.

Screen shot of the BMI healthy weight calculator

BMI Healthy Weight Calculator

Are you a healthy weight? Use the BMI Healthy Weight Calculator to check your Body Mass Index (BMI).

gym staff member encouraging a man on an exercise machine

Better Healthwise Adult Weight Management

A 12-week physical activity and healthy diet programme for people with a BMI of 30-40kg/m2 or a BMI of >27.5-40kg/m2 for those from Black, Asian and other Minority Ethnic groups living in Barnet or registered with a Barnet GP. The cost is £25 per month or £4.50 per session. You can self-refer or ask your GP if you are interested.

person sitting on floor, tying running shoes

Couch to 5K

The NHS Couch to 5K is a running programme for absolute beginners that has helped millions of people to keep active, start running and take positive steps for their health and fitness.

It is a free and easy away of getting fitter and healthier and will help you gradually work up towards running 5km in as little as 9 weeks.

Blue background with tape measure and the words weight loss

NHS Weight Loss Plan

NHS 12-week Weight Loss Plan to guide you through a healthy weight-loss programme.

Fresh fruit and vegetables

Eat Well Apps

Eating a healthy, balanced diet is important to maintain good health, and a healthy weight. Choosing healthier foods is easier than you might think. There are lots of cheap and tasty ways you and your family can eat well every day.